Mission, Vision, and Goals

The Vision of OWWA is that people, land and water be managed under a stewardship plan that is beneficial to all.

The Mission of OWWA is to ensure a sustainable watershed ecosystem that, through a new understanding of the interrelationships between the community and the land, will ensure quality of life for the watershed and for the present and future generations of its people, accomplished through building respectful, responsive, and learning relationships between people, government, commerce and the environment

The Goals of the Old Wives Watershed Association within the Old Wives Lake Watershed are:

  • To increase the knowledge and awareness of the natural and economic values of water in the citizens of the Old Wives Lake Watershed and to identify how to protect their water resources;

  • To protect surface and groundwater from contamination including community water wells and source waters;

  • To increase the involvement of the local people in watershed and aquifer management decisions within the watershed;

  • To foster partnerships for the mutual benefit of individuals, organizations and local units of government concerned with source water protection and enhancement;

  • To encourage residents and landowners to care for wildlife habitat and Species at Risk (SAR) that inhabit the watershed;

  • To seek technical expertise, support and funding to deliver stewardship programs

  • To implement the watershed plan as created for the Old Wives Lake Watershed by the watershed advisory committee.